Database Details
Postcodes of Scandinavia

Postcode Database Scandinavia
Details (Data of: 2025)
The Scandinavia postcode database includes all Scandinavian (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmar, Iceland) postcodes, as well as the corresponding city, region, and latitude/longitude.
The postcode data does change from time to time.
Buy your postcode database at ZIPCodeSoft, and we will keep your postcode data up-to-date. Just pay a one-off price! No further costs! Unlimited in time. Unprecedented!
Database content
Scandinavia | |
Regions (Län) | 21 |
Cities | 1,851 |
Unique Postcodes (Postnummer) | 17,379 |
Geocoded locations | 100 % |
Number of records | 17,582 |
Norway | |
Region1 (Landsdeler) | 6 |
Region2 (Fylker) | 21 |
Region3 (Kommuner) | 429 |
Cities | 1,886 |
Unique Postcodes (Postnummer) | 4,904 |
Geocoded locations | 100 % |
Number of records | 4,952 |
Finland | |
Region1 (Lääni) | 6 |
Region2 (Maakunta) | 20 |
Region3 (Kunta) | 348 |
Cities | 2,363 |
Unique Postcodes (Postnumre) | 4,151 |
Geocoded locations | 100 % |
Number of records | 8,302 (In swedish and finnish language) |
Denmark (incl Faroer and Greenland) | |
Islands | 3 |
Regions | 12 |
Kommuner | 134 |
Cities | 1,292 |
Unique Postcodes | 1,365 |
Geocoded locations | 100 % |
Number of records | 1,441 |
Iceland | |
Regions (Landshlutar) | 8 |
Cities | 87 |
Unique Postcodes | 150 |
Geocoded locations | 100 % |
Number of records | 150 |
Available Formats:
Comma-separated values (CSV) ~900 KB ZIP compressed
Easy to import into all popular database management systems:
Postgre SQL
Microsoft Access
Online Download
Having a database of localities with their latitudes and longitudes enables you to locate the closest locations to a set point (or within a radius of X miles/km).To help you implement a postcode radius/distance search, we offer free access to sample code in scripting and programming languages like ASP and PHP.
To achieve the highest accuracy, the formulas in our example scripts take the earth's curvature into consideration.
All these scripts are available for our database customers for free download. (PHP / ASP)
More information about the programming...